Minggu, 13 November 2011

fairy tail

Fairy Tail Guild X791.jpg
Fairy Tail
Kanji フェアリーテイル
Rōmaji Fearī Teiru
Symbol Fairy Tail's symbol
Master Makarov Dreyar
S-Class Mages Gildarts Clive
Laxus Dreyar
Erza Scarlet
Type Legal Guild
Location Magnolia Town

Fairy Tail Guild (フェアリーテイル Fearī Teiru) was the strongest guild in the Kingdom of Fiore.[1]The name of "Fairy Tail" Guild represents a sense of adventure for one to be able to discover more about mysteries and fate.[2]



Location and DesignEdit

Current | Former
Current localization of the guild
ChaosKnightAdded by ChaosKnight
Localization of the old Fairy Tail Guild
IshthakAdded by Ishthak
Situated in the Kingdom of Fiore, it lies on the southern coast of the country in Magnolia Town where it is the only guild.[3] Located in the south of the town not far from the coast, the guild is situated about 4-5 kilometres up the Magnolia central path.[4] The exterior is pyramidal in shape, the size of the floors decreasing the higher into the building. This stops short of the pointed dome topping the summit of the building.[5]
Fairy Tail waitress design
IshthakAdded by Ishthak
The inside is similar to a large lunch hall; several long benches stretch across its length with a bar more often managed by Mirajane at the end. Several other waitresses also help her.[6] Located beside the bar is the request board where the Fairy Tail Mages earn a living by completing client requests, similar to mercenaries. S-Class Jobs are located on the second floor of the guild which is off limits to everyone except S-Class mages.[7] The guild also has a basement.[8]
Gajeel Redfox heavily damaged the Guild, and it was eventually destroyed by the battering rams used by Jose Porla's Shades.[9][10] Once Phantom Lord was defeated, the members of the guild immediately went to the task of rebuilding the guild with the Mirajane drawing up crude and nonsensical plans.[11] Once Natsu and co. returned from the Tower of Paradise, the building was complete.[12] It is extravagantly different from the former building: a courtyard with an open air cafe and Souvenir Shop, run by Max, leads towards the entrance of the guild; a large stage is found at the back of the guild; a swimming pool behind the bar, and an amusement center downstairs.[13] Also, anyone can now ascend to the second floor, which was previously exclusive to S-Class mages.[14]
Except for the main building, Fairy Tail has also a special Female Dormitory, Fairy Hills which is located near the main building, and every girl from Fairy Tail can rent a room there for a 100 000 Jewels per month.[15] Amount of rooms isn't limited.[16] Fairy Tail also has its own "holy ground", Tenrou Island.[17]
After the seven year time skip, the guild has since then been reduced to a small tavern. Their old building is now ruin because it was forclosed.[18]


"Do fairies really have tails. Do they even exist... Like them this place as eternal mystery... A never ending adventure![19]"
Makarov about the true meaning of Fairy Tail in "Now We're Even"
It was said that the founder of Fairy Tail guild was a real Fairy.[20] First Master of Fairy Tail was Mavis Vermilion. Mavis' grave is located on Fairy Tail's holy ground, Tenrou Island.[21]
Fairy Tail has existed for at least several decades but has only grown to its current prominence and strength in the last few years. In this growth, it began to rival another large guild, Phantom Lord, and they began to be seen as symbols of the country.[22] When the core members of Fairy Tail disappeared, the guild dropped to last place in strength,[23] however the core members returned seven years later.

S-Class Wizard Promotion TrialEdit

In the Fairy Tail Guild, the Trial (S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial) is an event that is held every year, where the Master selects the most prominent members to participate in a trial in order to be promoted to S-Class mages.[24] Every year the trial is different and the venue also.[17] Current S-Class mages also take part in the Trial, to increase the difficulty of the task and make the Trial even harder to complete.[25]


A parade held every year at The Harvest Festival where Fairy Tail mages all display their powers in a fantastical performance. The event is looked forward to not only by the members of Fairy Tail but by the whole population of Magnolia.[26]

Fairy Tail's Farewell CeremonyEdit

Erza's Farewell Armor
IshthakAdded by Ishthak
As a custom for some members, anyone leaving Fairy Tail is given a "ceremony" of sorts.[27] When Laxus was excluded from the guild, he stayed to watch the Fantasia parade where Guild Master Makarov told Laxus through a hand sign that everyone would be looking out for him.[28] When members of Team Natsu have friends that leave to lead their lives elsewhere, the member closest to the leaving friend recites the Three Laws of Fairy Tail.[29]
Three Important Rules
  1. You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live.[30]
  2. You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain.[31]
  3. Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignficant , and you must never forget about your friends who loved you.[32]


Ultear stated that Fairy Tail is the strongest Guild in Fiore. She also commented that Zeref's retrieval from Tenrou Island could be problematic as Fairy Tail's main members were currently situated there.[33] Later, Lahar of the Magic Council notes that Fairy Tail is one of the three biggest protuberances of the magic world, alongside Grimoire Heart and Zeref.[34] There are around 100 mages in Fairy Tail.[35]
Before the guild was destroyed during the conflict with Phantom Lord, the S-class posters were located on the second floor and only S-class mages were allowed on the floor.[7] When the guild was rebuilt, anyone was now allowed on the second floor, but S-class quests could still only be taken by S-class mages.[14] To become an S-Class mage, a person must be chosen by the Master as a candidate for the annual S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial, which he/she must then pass, coming out on top over various obstacles as well as all the other candidates.[24]
During the S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial Fairy Tail's Guild Master, S-Class Mages, and all of it's S-Class Candidates disappeared. After that incident, Fairy Tail's strength dropped significantly until the disappearing Mages reappeared 7 years later. Even though the lesser members grew stronger[36], the loss of the core members, did affect Fairy Tail in comparison to guilds like Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale, whose powers grew exponentially.[37]


Fairy Tail members
ChaosKnightAdded by ChaosKnight
Becoming a member of Fairy Tail requires little more than the simple approval of the guild master, regardless of strength capabilities or former allegiances.[38] Mirajane, while talking to Lucy, explains that everyone in Fairy Tail carries the wounds of a sad past.[39]
Name ↓Rank ↓Team ↓Status ↓
Mavis Vermilion1st Guild MasterNoneDeceased
Purehito2nd Guild MasterNoneLeft Guild
Makarov Dreyar3rd and 6th Guild MasterNoneActive
Macao Conbolt4th Guild MasterNoneActive
Gildarts Clive5th Guild Master
S-Class Mage (Current)
Erza ScarletS-Class MageTeam NatsuActive
MirajaneS-Class MageNoneActive
MystoganS-Class MageNoneLeft Guild
Laxus DreyarS-Class MageNoneActive
Juvia LockserMageNoneActive
Freed JustineMageThunder God TribeActive
Natsu DragneelMageTeam NatsuActive
Gray FullbusterMageTeam NatsuActive
Levy McGardenMageShadow GearActive
Cana AlberonaMageNoneActive
Gajeel RedfoxMageNoneActive
EvergreenMageThunder God TribeActive
BickslowMageThunder God TribeActive
Lucy HeartfiliaMageTeam NatsuActive
HappyMageTeam NatsuActive
JetMageShadow GearActive
DroyMageShadow GearActive
Mickey ChickentigerMageMega-DeathActive
Wendy MarvellMageNoneActive
Romeo ConboltMageNoneActive
Reedus JonahMageNoneActive
Nab LasaroMageNoneActive
Alzack ConnellMageNoneActive
Bisca MulanMageNoneActive
Vijeeter EcorMageNoneActive
Wakaba Mine4th Guild Master's AdvisorNoneActive
Warren RockoMageNoneActive
Max AlorsMageNoneActive
Laki OliettaMageNoneActive
Tono RabbitsMageNoneActive
Mikuni ShinMageNoneActive
Wang ChanJiMageNoneActive
Joy FullbunMageNoneActive
Iwan DreyarMageNoneExcommunicated
BobMageNoneLeft Guild
PorlyusicaMedicinal AdvisorNoneSemi-Active
GoldmineMageNoneLeft Guild
Shitou YajimaMageNoneLeft Guild


Kucing Toyger

Toyger adalah kucing berukuran sedang dengan bulu menyerupai bengal. Toyger mempunyai temperamin yang baik dengan kesehatan yang baik dan relatof tahan terhadap penyakit.
Warna ideal adalah warna oranye tua dengan belang hitam seperti pada harimau. Pola belang harus memanjang tanpa ada spot. Telinga kecil dan bulat. Secara keseluruhan Toyger mempunyai struktur pertulangan yang padat dan seimbang.

Ras kucing ini merupakan hasil persilangan kucing domestik dengan bengal. Tujuannya untuk menghasilkan harimau kecil yang bisa diajak main dan dipelihara di dalam rumah. Kata Toyger sendiri merupakan singkatan dari "Toy Tiger" (harimau yang bisa diajak main).

Ras Toyger ditemukan dan dikembangkan oleh Judy Sugden, pemilik sebuah Cattery di Amerika yang bernama "EEYAAS Cattery". Toyger dihasilkan dengan cara menyilangkan kucing domestik belang (tabby) yang berbulu pendek, dengan Bengal Tabby Standar. Setelah bertahun-tahun kerja keras, perkawinan kucing-kucing ini menghasilkan kucing-kucing dengan warna belang menyerupai harimau.

Ras ini masih dalam pengembangan.Pertama kali diakui untuk registrasi oleh The International Cat Association (TICA) pada awal tahun 1990-an. Beberapa breeder di AS dan Inggris berusaha mengembangkan ras ini. Toyger mendapatkan status Preliminary New Breed pada tahun 2000. Dan pada bulan Mei tahun 2007 ini diharapkan mendapatkan status penuh dalam kontes kucing (Championship Status).

Artikel kucing Toyger ini diambil dari artikel kucingkita.com. Sebenarnya ingin menulis tentang ras kucing ini dengan kalimat sendiri. Tapi karena kebetulan sudah ada yang nulis ya sudah saya publikasikan ulan saja.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Ras Kucing Tiffany

Kali ini kita akan membahasa Ras Kucing Tiffany . Bagaimana dan apa jenis kucing ini?

Sekitar tahun 1967 di New York, Amerika Serikat.... pemilik Neotype Cattery yang bernama Jennie Robinson membeli sebuah rumah dan ternyata dalam penjualan rumah itu mereka juga mendapat paket sepasang kucing juga.

Nama kucing itu adalah Thomas Dan Shirley. Namun tidak diketahui mengenai latar belakang maupun jenis kucing asal induknya. Jenis kucing tersebut memiliki warna cokelat dan berbulu semi longhair dan tipe badan semi foreign.

Akhirnya kedua pasangan kucing itu melahirkan 6 ekor anak. Anehnya semua anak kucing mirip dengan ibunya yang berwarna coklat solid.

Kemudian Jennie Robinson membuat sebuah progam pengembangbiakkan kucing. Tepatnya tahun 1970 Jennie mendaftarkan Thomas dan shirley beserta anak kucing mereka ke ACA (American cat Association)

Beberapa ahli menduga bahwa kucing tersbut hanya keturunan dari Burmese. Namun mereka tidak memiliki warna sepia yang merupakan ciri khas burnese. Beberapa kucing tersebur dijual kepada Sigyn Lund (peternak kucing Burmese). Kemudian dia memperkenalkan ras Tifanny

Karena jumlahnya yang sedikit ACA akhirnya menghapus Ras Kucing Tiffany ini. Namun tidak lama berselang di Kanada ada banyak pecinta kucing yang menemukan ras ini dan memutuskan untuk melestarikan mereka.

Ciri-ciri kucing Tiffany :
  • Berukuran medium
  • Tipe badan semi foreign
  • berat badan antara 4-5 kg
  • Bentuk kepala hampir seperti segi tiga
  • moncong pendek
  • dagu kecil
  • Telinga besar
  • Tulang pipi lebar
  • Mempunyai ekor dihiasi bulu lembut
  • Warna mata adalah gold
  • Tentu saja ciri khas jenis kucing yang berwarna cokelat
Jenis kucing ini sangat menyukai manusia..walaupun juga tidak terlalu pemalas dan rajin.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Maine Coon

Maine Coon
Setelah nulis kucing siam, lama juga ya nggak update artikel jenis kucing

Jenis kucing
Maine Coon berasal dari USA, Maine. Tapi asal usul dari kucing ini sama sekali tidak diketahui, coba bandingkan dengan kucing birman atau turkish van yang kita udah tahu gimana asal-usulnya. Postingan ini terisnpirasi dan diambil dari kucing Maine Coon blog.

Secara umum ciri-ciri kucing Maine Coon adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Badan besar dan panjang serat agak berbentuk segi empat
  • Mata lebar serta oval
  • Hidung lebar dan melengkung di ujungnya
  • Ekor panjang dan lebar
  • Memiliki tulang dan otot yang kuat
  • Teling besar (lebar di bawah)
  • Dahi melengkung
  • Otot pipi sangat menonjol
  • Seperti dijelaskan diatas bulunya tebal dan tahan air (sedikit berminyak)
kucing Maine Coon mampu bertahan dalam salju dan udara dingin sekalipun karena memiliki bulu yang tebal dan anti air, ditambah terdapat bulu yang sangat tebal di bagian kaki, perut kemudian leher.

Jenis kucing ini memiliki badan yang besar. Untuk kucing jantan saja beratnya antara 6-9 kg. Sedangkan untuk kucing betina 4-6 kg. Maine Coon juga memiliki mata dan telinga besar mencerminkan kemampuan penglihatkan dan pendengaran yang lebih.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

kucing Siam

Kucing Siamese
Kucing Siamese berasal dari negara yang bernama Siam. Anda tidak mengenal negara itu? Sekarang negara itu bernama Thailand. Maka dari itu kebanyakan orang indonesia yang saya ketahui menggunakan kucing siam untuk memanggil jenis kucing ini.

Jadi kucing Siamese dan siam itu satu jenis kucing. Dan hanya dibedakan oleh sebuah nama saja. Apalah artinya sebuah nama bukan? Seperti kesalahan ucap pada kucing anggora.

Memang banyak ya kucing terkenal dari asean contohlah juga kucing birman yang dari birma. Bahkan mungkin juga kucing abyssinian yang ada kemungkinan dari asean.

Pertama kali kucing siam ada di eropa adalah saat kucing ini dijadikan hadiah untuk duta besar inggris. Kemudian seperti perkiraan kucing siam ini menjadi popule di inggris kemudian eropa.

kucing siam

Ciri kucing siam adalah sebagai berikut (dan menurut aku kayak kucing paling unik aja, soalnya beda banget tapi tetep aja luci):
  • Bentuk tubuh panjang, langsing dan berotot
  • Tubuhnya yang langsing dan anggun
  • Kepala kecil dan berbentuk segitiga
  • moncongnya mancung,
  • Bermata biru
  • Telinga yang lebar
  • bulu pendek dan halus
    • Ada warna kontras di ujung-ujung tubuh seperti kaki, telinga, mulut, ekor,hidung dan sekitar mata